Fixed a problem where the main Advancer would only let you submit once when using Chrome.Gnolls are one of my favorite races but gnoll PCs get hurt badly by 3.5ed character creation. Destrachan, Devourer, Couatl, Digester, A bunch of Dire Creatures, Djinni, Dragon Turtle, Dragonne, Dryad.like I said there are 404.go look for yourself. All Standard True Dragons-Brass, Bronze, Black, Blue, Green, Gold, Silver, White, Copper, Red. With all that said here are a few highlights:. Things like the Abyssal Greater Basilisk I left in because the way they upgraded it there is no official duplicate, although it is not truly unique. If you see some of these and they bother you just send me an email and I will clean them up. There may be a couple duplicate creatures that ended up with a naming convention different from a creature I already entered myself. If you find one of these errors just send me an email with the creature's name and I will get it fixed right away. These were done by going through another database that wasn't quite setup the way I needed it.so I did a lot of work to get these ported over which means there may be a few more errors than I usually release.
I plan on getting these fixed in the next couple days but wanted to get out the work I had already completed. This means they will probably be listed under a blanket "Spell-like abilities" entry which will list them but won't properly calculate saving throws and such. Not all creatures have had their spell-like abilities properly set up. Now before anyone gets too excited there are a couple things worth noting.
Added NPC Classes - Expert, Commoner, Aristocrat, Adept and Warrior.