SAM can model many types of renewable energy systems: New York: McGraw-Hill.The System Advisor Model (SAM) is a free techno-economic software model that facilitates decision-making for people in the renewable energy industry: Tchobanoglous, G., Theisen, H., dan Vigil, S. Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup Republik Indonesia Nomor 13 Tahun 2012 Tentang Pedoman Pelaksanaan Reduce, Reuse, dan Recycle melalui Bank Sampah. Peraturan Daerah DIY No.3 Tahun 2013 tentang Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga dan Sampah Sejenis Rumah Tangga. 405 RW di Yogya Sudah Miliki Bank Sampah. Jurnal Ocean and Coastal Management, 103, 63-77. A Review of The Application and Evolution of The DPSIR Framework With An Emphasis On Coastal Social-Ecological Systems. Analisis Data Penelitian Kualitatif: Pemahaman Filosofis dan Metodologis keĪrah Penguasaan Model Aplikasi. ECOGREEN gets positive responses from many parties for supporting Kampung Code BERSAMA (Bersih, Sehat, dan Mandiri) and simultaneously respond waste problem so that supporting the goals of sustainable Kampung Code.īungin, B. ECOGREEN consist of 1) Green saving, that optimize waste saving through waste banking system 2) Green Exchange, that modify waste management through barter system and 3) Green entrepreneurship, that creates waste management into community entrepreneurship based programme. Public participation, infrastructure provision, and integrated waste banking are necessary to be implemented. Based on the result, key factor of waste problems are environment, household, and waste banking system. This research is analyze both of primary and secondary data using Statistical SPSS Software, DPSIR Framework and SWOT Analysis. Research was conducted in Kelurahan Cokrodiningratan, Yogyakarta during March – April 2017. (2) Explain ECOGREEN implementation system and 3) Analyze role and strategy of ECOGREEN expansion in Kampung Code. This research aims to (1) Analyze the key factor of environmental problem.

On the other hand, waste might create new product that has high economic and use value if it gets a proper treatment through ECOGREEN ( Environmental Code Green Revolution) programme. In order to reduce waste problem, Kampung Code has implemented waste banking in every small community (RW), but it is lack of participation and eventually brings new problem that should be noticed.

Kampung Code experienced huge waste problem due to littering activity by people into environment that brings out hygiene and social problems. Over the past decades, waste problems in Kampung Code is inavitable.